What Shall We Do in 2012?

1 Jan

Happy 2012!

Ok, now that I have the mandatory acknowledgement of the new year out of the way, what say we get down to business? I’m toying with the idea of making 365 posts this yea: one each day. Ok, to be fair, that would mean 366 posts, since it’s a leap year.

Geez, why would I do that? Why would I commit myself to creating a semi-readable post every day for the next year? That’s a lot of posts. Three hundred sixty-six. If I had a quarter for every post, I could take my family out for a non-matinee 3-D movie and get everyone snacks and a drink. We did that once. It was $100. For “Ice Age: Dawn of the Dinosaurs.” Worth $100? I don’t know. We’d been planning on going to a small amusement park, but since my son broke his arm earlier in the day, we went to the movies instead.

Anyway, I’m still trying to decide if I am going to do this post-a-day thing or not. If I do it, I might call it “Afternoons with That Nolen Chick,” because the point would be for me to sit down after lunch every day and write a post. Like now, for instance. It’s not actually January 1, 2012, but December 29, 2011. It’s 12:58 and I’m riding shotgun in the SUV as hubs drives us back to his mother’s house from our short stay in a neighboring state visiting with other family. But it’s the afternoon, and I’m writing, so it counts.

It sounds equally crazy and ambitious, this daily writing thing. But maybe that’s what I need this year – crazy ambition, ambitious craziness. I think I’ll go with the latter because it sounds more fun and less “Wall Street cut-your-heart-out.” Wanna come on the crazy train with me?

6 Responses to “What Shall We Do in 2012?”

  1. KKSorrell January 1, 2012 at 6:19 am #

    I say go for it! And you had me cracking me up with the movie story. Movies. Are. Uber. Expensive. But mostly, the popcorn is expensive. 🙂 Happy New Year!

  2. juliesaysyay January 1, 2012 at 7:13 am #

    Also laughing at “$100 for Ice Age 3”. My mom and I took my oldest to Deck The Halls as my first outing away from my newborn (and his constant breastfeeding) and all told it came to something insane like $60. I’m *still* angry about that money. Worst movie ever….holy hell.

    Making more time for writing is on my list for 2012 too…I say shoot for those 366 stars darling!

    • That Nolen Chick January 2, 2012 at 1:27 pm #

      Nothing like spending a ridiculous amount of money on a really stupid movie. Glad I’m not the only one!

  3. Emelda January 1, 2012 at 10:42 am #

    Yes please! My day is dull and lifeless without a posting or comment from April! 2012 might be a little brighter if you could post every day! 🙂

    • That Nolen Chick January 2, 2012 at 1:28 pm #

      I’m totally naming a character after you one of these days. An awesome character, not a jerk wad, or a red-shirted expendable.

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